Teaching and Learning with Digital Resources at the SMMUCo, Moshi, Tanzania

Welcome to the Stefano Moshi Memorial University College (SMMUCo) 

SMMUCo is named in memory and honour of Bishop Stefano Reuben, Moshi. He was the first Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT), 1963–1976, and the founder of the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC).

SMMUCo has been making a significant contribution in preparing qualified teachers for our schools. This is especially important since quality education heavily depends on the quality of teacher training. 

We invite you to take part in our programme “Teaching and Learning with Digital Resources” which aims at offering tools and skills to successfully cope with changing challenges and frameworks in education. 

We understand that, in this fast-changing world, access to digital resources has become extremely important. 

This programme will not only equip participants on the use of digital resources in teaching, they will also be helped to see the bigger perspective of competence-based teaching. 

In collaboration with the team, we will continue to foster academic and professional excellence that is demanded by our contemporary society.